I'm incredibly proud of this project I did for my environmental ethics class in order to raise awareness for our growing population and what the impact will be for the animals, earth and fellow humans. Video can be found via YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-zdcWJGxAI&t=13s
Population By Abby Power Music by my husband, Gerald Power: Artificial Memory: https://soundcloud.com/artificialmemory Looking out my window and there’s people everywhere. I know you don’t wanna talk about it but who else is gonna care? Our climates heating up and our wells are going dry. Just how are we supposed to look into our children’s eyes? Environmental degradation, conflict, wars. I’m not sure you’re ready for that big storm? How about the fish, do you care about them? They may be gone by twenty fifty taking with it coral gems. What about the birds where will their home be? In treeless skies that no one will ever see? A world in balance and a world at peace is exactly what this place needs. Not a population that goes at warp speed. Can’t we stop this mindless consumption? We don’t have infinite resources; so let’s stop making that assumption. Look for the helpers as Mr. Rodger’s said The answers right in front of you, just listen to good ole’ Fred. We all need to learn about humane education. That thinks about the animals, the environment, our population. Let’s teach our fellow neighbor about their choice in contraception. It’s their right, their body. There’s too much misconception. Remember that less is more. Things won’t always make us happy. Take only what you need, just listen to Dear Abby. Be a reflection to this earth. A mirage or an illusion. So when you leave this place you leave nothing but a revolution. In less than forty years we may have no other choice but say goodbye. So let’s do all we can now and raise that battle cry. Are you ready to join the fight? Who’s with me, what do you say? Let’s take action and make strides, before we get to our species last day.
In my Environmental Ethics class we were discussing strategies of how to talk about climate change in a way that brings about community action and engagement. I watched Per Espen Stoknes' TedTalk on How to Transform Apocalypse Fatigue into Action on Global Warning and thought it offered wonderful strategies that can also help in many other social justice movements like animal and human rights issues.
As an animal rights activist, I am often speaking to many different people and trying to find ways to connect. What I love about Per Espen Stoknes' speech is that it makes us look at the human condition. Why are we passionate about some things and not about others? How do go from disengagement to engagement? Below you will find a post that I did that breaks Stoknes' steps in bite-sized pieces. Be sure to click on the photo to see them all!
December 2019